
Powderhorn is a south side neighborhood consisting of a half dozen sub-neighborhoods (Whittier & Lyndale aren’t considered to be Powderhorn outside of the city government since they’re cut off by a highway and they share business corridors with other SW side neighborhoods). I checked out the namesake park and few commercial blocks on the east and west ends. This is an up-and-coming neighborhood which is a little hood, has a heavy Mexican presence, blue-collar roots, and a newer artsy population which has moved in recently (a coffeeshop, Mexican restaurant, and dodgy grocery store all being located next to each other sums it up). E Lake St belongs to both Powderhorn and Phillips across the street to the north as a shared business district dubbed Midtown. Over here, there are commercial intersections on a number of streets including Chicago, Bloomington, Cedar, 35th, and 38th, so when you stray off of the main drag of Lake it helps to know beforehand which clusters have what as Powderhorn is a large area, but you can pretty much walk around on any major street with a bus line and you’ll stumble across something interesting. You’ll notice there are some empty storefronts and quite a bit of the housing stock is modest and some of the apartment buildings look none too great, but it just goes to show that great housing stock is not as important as great businesses.

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